Commercial Tyvek Envelopes

Commercial Tyvek Envelopes are made with 14# Tyvek and are available in both #10 and #11 sizes. Commercial Tyvek envelopes are water-resistant, moisture-resistant and won't rip, tear or puncture.

(2500) #10 Tyvek Commercial Envelopes (4 1/8'' x 9 1/2'')
#10 Tyvek Envelopes
14# Tyvek
Regular Gum Closure
#10 Tyvek Commercial Envelopes w/ Zip Stick Adhesive Closure (4 1/8'' x 9 1/2'')
#10 Tyvek Envelopes Zip Stick® Closure
14# Tyvek
Zip Stick® Adhesive Closure
(2500) #11 Tyvek Commercial Envelopes (4 1/2'' x 10 3/8'')
#11 Tyvek Envelopes
14# Tyvek
Regular Gum Closure
Subtotal: $0.00